
Primary - Grade 1-6 (ខ្មែរ អង់គ្លេស-Bi-Lingual)

PPMIS offers a International-Khmer curriculum that allows students to follow a dual academic track. We offer a unique mix of Montessori resources and learning choices with the American Common Core curriculum (CCSS). We start our Khmer Program in Primary and our goal is for our students to be truly bi-lingual and foster a love of learning languages. PPMIS is licensed by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) and follows the Khmer National Curriculum. PPMIS greatly values our Khmer culture and language. There is compelling research relating to mother-tongue maintenance and development (Cummins and Danesi, in Baker and Prys Jones, 1988) is particularly significant. This research indicates that students following a mother-tongue maintenance and development program receive the following benefits:

1. They avoid language loss and the resultant negative effects, for example, subtractive bilingualism (where the development of a second language is detrimental to the first language). They perform at least as well (often better) in mainstream subjects (science, humanities, etc) as monolingual students.

2. They perform at least as well (often better) as second-language students who donate maintain their mother tongue and are schooled wholly in the second language.

3. They retain a positive attitude toward their mother tongue and cultural background when the school shows acceptance of the mother-tongue language, accounting for increased self-esteem and its resultant benefits. PPMIS makes every effort to align the Khmer and International curriculum where possible, so students have the opportunity to make connections and learn cross-culturally.